Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen
Nutzen der Labormedizin in der Schweiz.
Springer, 2023. (Monographie, 330 Seiten).
-- Open Access eBook --
Health Technology Assessments by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence: A Qualitative Study.
New York, NY: Springer, 2007. (Monographie, 245 Seiten)
"In recent years there has been a proliferation of health technology assessment (HTA) initiatives internationally. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) in England and Wales stands prominently among these initiatives. The current study reviews the NICE appraisal process, confirms the transparent, inclusive and participatory nature of the appraisal, but identifies a number of inconsistencies in the assessment itself and problems in the way the evidence was presented. Having identified these shortcomings, the study at hand offers significant lessons for policy makers, not only in England and Wales, but in other settings as well."
Panos Kanavos, London School of Economics.
"While the focus of this monograph is the NICE ADHD analysis and appraisal process, the careful step-by-step critique might be used as a guide for future appraisal processes, not just for NICE, but for all health care policy analysts as well."
Peter S. Jensen, Columbia University, New York, NY.
"This is a remarkable piece of work which is indicative of a scholar who is totally on top of his subject area and capable of expressing his ideas in lucid prose. ... It is timely to puncture the self-congratulatory culture which is developing amongst health economic evaluators. ... A particular strength of the monograph is the evaluation of the process using Daniels and Sabin’s “accountability for reasonableness” (A4R) framework and especially as this is advocated by NICE. It is a shame that NICE did not perform better. ... The scope of the author’s analysis in the final chapter is impressive. … The issues raised are those which will determine the future of the evaluation process both at the level of application and the conceptual framework."
Jeff Richardson, Monash University, Melbourne, Vic.
The Contribution of Health Economics to Market-Oriented Pharmaceutical Research and Development.
Witten: Universität Witten-Herdecke Verlagsgesellschaft, 1998. (Monographie, 240 Seiten).
Die Monographie datiert zurück auf das Jahr 1998 und wurde vor Gründung des National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) verfasst, weshalb sie bei wesentlichen Inhalten unvollständig, um nicht zu sagen, bisweilen überholt ist. Ausverkauft. Eine der noch wenigen vorhandenen Exemplare kann beim Autor angefragt werden.